Quick start with sourcehut pages
The steps for publishing your site are:
- Generate a personal access token
- Create a tarball with your website’s contents.
- Upload your tarball to pages.sr.ht
Once you’re live, we’ll look at ways to automate the process.
Your personal access token
You can generate a personal access token on meta.sr.ht. Write it down for later reference.
Building your tarball
Here’s a simple example. Let’s say you write this file to index.html
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>My sourcehut page</title>
<h1>My sourcehut page</h1>
<p>Welcome to my cool sourcehut page!
You can create a tarball for it like so:
$ tar -cvz index.html > site.tar.gz
Add any number of files other than index.html to expand this.
Using a static site generator
Here’s another example for a website using Hugo:
$ hugo
$ tar -C public -cvz . > site.tar.gz
You can use any tool, just so long as it outputs static content.
Uploading your tarball
Once you have a tarball, upload it to pages.sr.ht. Install and configure hut, then run:
$ hut pages publish -d username.srht.site site.tar.gz
Substitute “username” with your sr.ht username.
Once you run this command, your website should now be live at
! The first load will take an extra second or two
while we obtain a TLS certificate for you.
Need some help building your site? Hugo is a good choice for getting up and running quickly with a nice theme for your site. We recommend it for users new to static site generation. Feel free to set up a site you like, then come back when you're ready to publish it.
Hugo Quick StartNext: Automating deployments
Next: Automating deployments